High visibility is an important factor for safety on construction sites, traffic management and night events. As an important safety protection equipment, the reflective vest's color selection directly affects people's visibility and recognition in different environments.
1.Yellow Safety Vest Reflection Effect
Visibility in the yellow vest is very good during the day, as the yellow color has a sharp and bright effect in the sun. It can better attract people's attention and provide excellent warning effect in places with high traffic flow.

2.Orange Safety Vest Reflection Effect
The orange reflective vest also excels in terms of visibility. It stands out during the day, especially in environments with a monochromatic background. At night, the orange vest can reflect orange light, providing better visibility and recognition.

3.Blue Safety Vest Reflection Effect
High-saturation blue is a cool color, which is clearly distinguished from the ambient color. Safety officers and special operations personnel generally wear blue reflective vests.